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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 -Teaching & Non Teaching Posts

Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Koraput has advertised a notification for the recruitment of PGT (English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce, Economics, Hindi), PGT (Computer Science), TGT (Hindi, English, Mathematics, Sanskrit, Social Studies, Science), PRT, Vocational Instructors & Other vacancies on temporary & contractual basis. Eligible candidates can walk in interview on 27-02-2016. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT (English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce, Economics, Hindi)
2. PGT ( Computer Science)
3. TGT (Hindi, English, Mathematics, Sanskrit, Social Studies, Science)
4. Vocational Instructors
a. Computer Instructor
b. Games and Sports
c. Music/ Dance/ Art/ Craft
d. Regional Language odia Teachers
e. Yoga Teacher
f. Education Counselor

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Master degree in the relevant Subjects with minimum 50% marks and B.Ed. From a Recognized University / Institution for S.No-1, B. E. or B. Tech ( Computer Science/IT) or an Equivalent Degree or Diploma or B.E. or B. Tech ( any stream) and PGDCA or M.Sc.(Computer Science)/ MCA or Equivalent or B.Sc. (Computer Science)/ BCA or Equivalent and Post Graduation in subject or PG Diploma in computer and PG in any subject or 'B' Level from DOEACC and PG in any subject or 'C' Level from DOEACC and Graduation for S.No-2 with relevant experience. Refer the notification for post wise details.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on performance in interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can attend the interview along with one set of attested photocopies of all the certificates and mark sheets of all the semesters of the Qualifying examinations along with the originals and one passport size photograph on 27-02-2016. Venue details are mentioned below.

Important Dates:
Date of Interview: 27-02-2016.
Registration Time: 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM.
Venue: Kendra Vidyalaya, Koraput

For more details like emoluments & other information click on the link given below….

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT, Primary Teacher & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, CRPF, Durgapur has published a notification for the recruitment of Post Graduate Teacher (English, Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce, Economics, History, Geography, Hindi & Computer Science), Trained Teacher Graduate (Maths, Science, English, Social Studies, Hindi & Sanskrit), Primary Teacher, Computer Instructor, Games & Sports Instructor, Dance Coach, Counselor, Yoga Teacher, Doctor & Nurse vacancies on contractual daily need basis for the session 2016-17. Eligible candidates may walk in on 17 to 26-02-2016. Other details like age, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post:
1. Post Graduate Teacher
a. English
b. Physics
c. Maths
d. Chemistry
e. Biology
f. Commerce
g. Economics
h. History
i. Geography
j. Hindi
k. Computer Science
2. Trained Teacher Graduate
a. Maths
b. Science
c. English
d. Social Studies
e. Hindi
f. Sanskrit
3. Primary Teacher
4. Computer Instructor
5. Games & Sports Instructor
6. Dance Coach
7. Counselor
8. Yoga Teacher
9. Doctor
10. Nurse

Age Limit: Candidates age should be 40 years for S.No- 1, 35 years for S.No- 2, 30 years for S.No- 3 and 18 to 60 years for 4 to 7 & 10, 11. Age relaxation is applicable upto 65 years for retired employee of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Master degree in the subject with minimum 50% marks and B.Ed. from a recognized University/ Institution for S.No- 1, Graduation in the subject with minimum 50% marks and B.Ed. from a recognized University/ Institution for S.No- 2, (10+2) with at least 50% marks with JBT or D.Ed not less than 2 years for S.No- 3. For more information refer notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend the interview along with bio data form in the prescribed format along with all testimonials and originals on 17 to 26-02-2016 at 10:30 AM.

Important Dates:

Date & Time of Interview for S.No- 1a to 1j 17-02-2016
Date & Time of Interview for S.No- 1k & 4 22-02-2016
Date & Time of Interview for S.No- 2 18-02-2016
Date & Time of Interview for S.No- 3 19-02-2016
Date & Time of Interview for S.No-5 23-02-2016
Date & Time of Interview for S.No-6 24-02-2016
Date & Time of Interview for S.No-7 & 8 25-02-2016
Date & Time of Interview for S.No-9 & 10 26-02-2016
Verification Time 08:30 AM
Venue Vidyalaya

For more details like pay scale, experience & other information click on the link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Teaching & Non-Teaching Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Hasimara has advertised a notification for the recruitment of Post Graduate Teacher (PGT), Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT), Primary Teacher (PRT), Computer Instructor, Vocational Teacher (Sports Coach & Dance Coach), Nurse, Educational Counselor vacancies on contract basis. Eligible candidates may walk in on 26, 27-02-2016 at 8:00 A.M. Other information like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below….

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. Post Graduate Teachers (PGT)
2. Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT)
3. Primary Teachers (PRT)
4. Computer Instructors
5. Vocational Teachers (Sports Coach & Dance Coach)
6. Nurse
7. Educational Counselor

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Master Degree in the concerned subject with 50% marks & B.Ed. from recognized University/ Institute for post 01, Bachelor Degree in the concerned subject with 50% marks for post 02, Passed XII Std with 50% marks along with two years JBT/ D.Ed, B.Ed or Graduation with B.Ed for post 03, BCA/ B.Sc (CS) or MCA/ M.Sc (CS/ IT) or PGDCA/ 'A' Level from DOEACC or higher qualification & B.Ed from recognized University/ Institute for post 04. For more information refer notification

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview along with filled form of application on 26, 27-02-2016 at 8:00 A.M.

Important Dates:
Date & Time of Interview for Post 1, 2 & 5: 26-02-2016 at 8:00 A.M.
Date & Time of Interview for Post 3, 4, 5, 6: 27-02-2016 at 8:00 A.M.

For more details like complete information, other information click on the link given below…

Click here for Recruitment Advt & Application Form


Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, Counselor, PRT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Patiala has released notification for the recruitment of PGT, Computer Instructor, TGT, Art & Craft Teacher, Counselor, PRT, Punjabi Teacher, German Teacher, Sports Coach, Yoga Teacher, Doctor, Nurse vacancies on part time contract basis for the year 2016-17. Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview on 02 & 10-03-2016. Other details like age, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT
2. Computer Instructor
3. TGT
4. Art & Craft Teacher
5. Counselor
6. PRT
7. PRT (Music)
8. Punjabi Teacher
9. German Teacher
10. Sports Coach
11. Yoga Teacher
12. Doctor
13. Nurse

Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18-65 years.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Two years Integrated Post Graduation M.Sc Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject for post 1, B.E/ B.Tech (Comp. Sci.)/ BCA/ MCA/ M.Sc (Comp.Sci.)/ M.Sc (Electronics with Computer Science Components)/ M.Sc (I.T)/ B.Sc (Comp. Sci.) for post 2, Professional Degree/ Diploma from recognized University/ Institute for post 4. For more information regarding qualification refer notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on written test & interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview along with their application in the prescribed format, attested copies of certificates at KV2, DMW Patiala on 02 & 10-03-2016.

Important Dates:

Date & Time of Interview for Post 1 02-03-2016  at 08:00 A.M
Date & Time of Interview for Post 10 & 11 02-03-2016  at 02:00 P.M
Date of Written Test for Post 2 & 8 02-03-2016 at 02:00 P.M
Date & Time of Interview for Post 3, 4, 6 & 7 10-03-2016 at 08:00 A.M
Date & Time of Interview for Post 2 & 8 10-03-2016 at 02:00 P.M

For more details like remuneration and other information click on the link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, Games Coach, PRT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, AFS, Salua has released notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT, Yoga Tr., Games Coach, Computer Instructor, Counselor, Doctor & Nurse vacancies on part time contract basis for the academic session 2016-17. Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview on 26 & 27-02-2016. Other details like age, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT
2. TGT
3. PRT
4. Yoga Tr.
5. Games Coach
6. Computer Instructor
7. Counselor
8. Doctor
9. Nurse

Age Limit: Candidates age limit is 40 years for post 1, 35 years for post 2, 30 years for post 3, .

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Two years Integrated Post Graduation M.Sc Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject for post 1, Four years Integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate for post 2, Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent for post 3. For more information regarding qualification refer notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on written test & interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview along with all original certificates, one set of attested copies & one photograph on 26 & 27-02-2016.

Important Dates:

Date & Time of Interview for Post 1 & 2 26-02-2016
Date & Time of Interview for Remaining all Posts 27-02-2016
Reporting Time At 08:00 A.M

For more details like scale of pay and other information click on the link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Computer Instructor, PGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) No.1 & 3, Patiala Cantt. has issued notification for the recruitment of Computer Instructor, PGT, TGT, PRT, Doctor, Nurse, Sports Coach, Yoga Teacher & Counsellor vacancies on part time contractual basis. Eligible candidates can apply in prescribed application format on or before 03-03-2016. Other details like age, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. Computer Instructor
2. PGT (Computer Science)
3. PRT & PGT (Computer Science)
4. Sports Coach (Football/ Handball/ Kho-Kho/ Boxing/ Athletics) Computer Instructor
5. PGT (Political Science)
6. Yoga Teacher
7. Counsellor
8. TGT ( Hindi, Science, Social Science)
9. Doctor, Nurse
10. TGT(Punjabi)

Age Limit: Candidates age limit should be in between 18 to 65 years.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have B.E/ B.Tech (Comp. Sci.)/ BCA/ MCA/ M.Sc, Bachelor or Master Degree for S.No-1 & 2, Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent & Pass in CTET for S.No-3, Trained & experienced with specialization (Football/ handball/ Kho-Kho/ Boxing/ Athletics) for S.No-4, Master Degree & B.Ed or equivalent from a recognized University with atleast 50% marks for S.No-5. For more information refer in notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on written test & interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can send thier application in prescribed format along with self attested copies of all relevant certificates through Indian Postal Services only (Registered Post/ Speed Post/ General Post) on or before 03-03-2016.

Important Dates:

Last Date for Receipt of Application 03-03-2016
Date of Display of Shortlisted Candidates for Interview on website (PGT-Computer Science & Computer Instructor) 09-03-2016
Date of Interview for S.No-1 & 2 07-03-2016
Date of Interview for S.No-3 & 4 12-03-2016
Date of Interview for S.No-5 to 8 22-03-2016
Date of Interview for S.No-9 & 10 29-03-2016
Reporting Time for S.No-1, 3 & 5 to 7, 9 & 10 At 08:30 AM 
Reporting Time for S.No-2 At 11:30 AM
Reporting Time for S.No-4 & 8 At 01:30 PM
Venue for S.No-1 to 4 Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) No. 3, Patiala Cantt
Venue for S.No-5 to 10 Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) No. 1, Patiala Cantt

For more details like pay scale, experience & other information click on the link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT, Coach & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, AFS, Borjhar has released notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT, Computer Instructor, Coach, Doctor, Nurse, Counsellor, Assamese Language Teacher, Yoga Teacher, Dance Teacher, German Language Teacher vacancies part time/ contractual basis for the academic year 2016-17. Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview on 19 & 20-02-2016. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT
2. TGT
3. PRT
4. Computer Instructor
5. Coach in Games & Sports (Volley Ball,Taekwondo, Art & Craft)
6. Doctor
7. Nurse
8. Counsellor
9. Assamese Language Teacher
10. Yoga Teacher
11. Dance Teacher (Classical)
12. German Language Teacher

Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18-65 years.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess B.E or B.Tech (Computer Science/ IT) with atleast 50 % marks in aggregate/ Two years Post Graduation M.Sc Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject for post 1, M.Sc/ B.E/ B.Tech in Comp. Sc. for post 5, Degree in relevant field for post 9. For more information regarding qualification refer notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on written test & interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview along with their application in the prescribed format, one passport photograph, original marks sheets/ certificates, attested copies of certificates on 19 & 20-02-2016.

Important Dates:

Date & Time of Interview for Post 3, 5 to 12 19-02-2016
Date & Time of Interview for Post 1, 2 & 4 02-03-2016  at 02:00 P.M
Registration Time From 08:00 A.M to 10:00 A.M

For more details like remuneration and other information click on the link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – PGT, TGT, Yoga Teacher & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Fort William, Kolkata has released notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT, Computer Instructor, Coach, Dance, Doctor, Nurse, Counsellor on contractual basis for the session 2016-17. Eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed application format on or before 27-02-2016. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT
2. TGT
3. PRT
4. Computer Instructor
5. Coach (Volley ball, Kho Kho, Basket Ball)
6. Dance
7. Doctor
8. Nurse
9. Counsellor

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Two years Integrated Post Graduation M.Sc. Courses of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject/ B.E or B.Tech (Computer Science/ IT) with atleast 50% marks in aggregate for post 1, Four years Integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with atleast 50% marks in aggregate for post 2, Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent with JBT/ Diploma for post 3. For more information regarding qualification refer notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may submit their application in the prescribed format through email to on or before 27-02-2016.

Important Dates:

Last Date for Submission of Application 27-02-2016
Date of Display of List of Shortlisted Candidates 03-03-2016
Date & Time of Interview 05-03-2016 at 09:00 A.M
Venue Vidyalaya Premises

For more details like payment and other information click on the link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, Doctor, Nurse & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ballygunge has issued notification for the recruitment of PGT, PGT (Computer Science), TGT, PRT, Computer Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Game Expert, Doctor, Counselor & various vacancies on part time contract basis. Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview on 27-02-2016 at 09:00 AM. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT (English, Hindi, Phy, Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Commerece, Economics, Histroy, Geography, Political Science)
2. PGT (Computer Science)
3. TGT (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Sanskrit & Social Science)
4. Computer Instructor
5. Primary Teacher
6. Coaches
7. German Language Teacher
8. Doctor
9. Nurse
10. Counsellor

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have Graduation & PG, B.Ed. or equivalent degree from recognized university for S.No-1, B.E/ B.Tech (any stream), B.Sc/ BCA or M.Sc or MCA for S.No-2, Bachelor's Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects for S.No-3, B.E/ B.Tech (Comp. Sc.), B.Sc/ BCA or M.Sc/ MCA or Bachelor degree for S.No-4. For more information refer in notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview along with application in prescribed format, all original & attested copies of testimonials, photograph and ID proof at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ballygunge, Kolkata-19 on 27-02-2016 at 09:00 AM.

Date & Time of Interview: 27-02-2016 at 09:00 AM.

For more details like pay scale, scheme of examination & other information click on link given below….

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT, PRT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Raiganj, BSF has issued notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT, Computer Instructor, Yoga, Education Counselor & various vacancies on contractual basis. Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview on 03 & 04-03-2016. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT (English, Hindi, Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Biology)
2. PGT (Computer Science)
3. Computer Instructor
4. TGT (English, Maths, Sanskrit & Social Studies)
5. Education Counselor
6. PRT
7. Games & Sports
8. PRT (Music)
9. Yoga

Age Limit: Candidates age limit should between 18 to 40 years for male candidates & 18 to 45 years for female candidates.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have 50% marks Master Degree in the subject with B.Ed for S.No-1, B.E/ B.Tech & PGDCA or M.Sc/ BCA & PG, Graduation for S.No-2, B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA/ B.Sc/ M.Sc or MCA for S.No-3, 50% marks in graduation in respective subjects with B.Ed for S.No-4. For more information refer in notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview along with biodata with relevant documents at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Raiganj, BSF, Govindpur, Dist- on 03 & 04-03-2016.

Important Dates:
Date of Interview for S.No-1 to 4: 03-03-2016.
Date of Interview for S.No-5 to 9: 04-03-2016.

For more details like pay scale, emoluments, scheme of examination & other information click on link given below….

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Gangtok has invited applications for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, Primary Teacher, Counsellor, PGT (Computer Science) & Computer Instructor, Games & Sports Coach, Yoga Teacher, Nurse, Music Teacher vacancies on Part time contractual basis for the academic year 2016-17. Eligible candidates may walk in screening test/ interview on 21, 22-03-2016 at 09:00 am. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT
2. TGT
3. Primary Teacher
4. Counsellor
5. PGT (Computer Science) & Computer Instructor
6. Games & Sports Coach
7. Yoga Teacher
8. Nurse
9. Music Teacher

Age Limit: Candidates age should be 18 to 65 years.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Master Degree, Bachelor Degree in corncerned subject with B.Ed for Post 1, 2, Senior Secondary School certificate for Post 3, Diploma, MA/ M.Sc/ M.Com for Post 4, B.E/ B.Tech (Computer Science) for Post 5, 6, Post Graduation/ Graduation, Diploma in Yoga for Post 7, Diploma in Nursing for Post 8, Bachelor Degree in Music for Post 9.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on screening test/ interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may appear for screening test/ interview along with all original and xerox copies of testimonials, one passport size photo at Office of the Principal on 21, 22-03-2016 at 09:00 am.

Date & Time of Interview: 21, 22-03-2016 at 09:00 am.

For more details like period & other information click on the link given below….

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PRT, TGT, Coach & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kirandul has issued notification for the recruitment of PRT, TGT, PGT, PGT (Computer Science), Computer Instructor, Yoga Teacher & Coach (Art & Craft) vacancies on part time/ contractual basis. Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview on 28-02-2016 from 08:00 AM. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PRT
2. TGT (English, Maths, Social Studies, Sanskrit)
3. PGT (English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
4. PGT (Computer Science)
5. Yoga Teacher
6. Computer Instructor
7. Coach (Art & Craft)

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have Senior Secondary School Certificate or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent & pass in CTET for S.No-1, Bachelor's Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects for S.No-2, Masters Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in relevant subjects for S.No-3, B.E/ B.Tech (Comp. Sc.), B.Sc/ BCA or M.Sc/ MCA or Bachelor degree for S.No-4. For more information refer in notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview along with application in prescribed format, all original & attested xerox copies of testimonials, photograph at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kirandul (C.G.) on 28-02-2016 from 08:00 AM.

Date & Time of Interview: 28-02-2016 from 08:00 AM.

For more details like pay scale, scheme of examination & other information click on link given below…

Click here for Recruitment Advt & Application Form


Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – PGT, TGT, Coach & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Barrackpore (AFS) has released notification for the recruitment of PGT & TGT (All Subjects), PRT, Spoken English, Vocational Coach (Games, Yoga, Dance), Computer Instructor, Doctor, Nurse, Counselor vacancies on contractual basis for the year 2016-17. Eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed application format on or before 29-02-2016 between 09:00 A.M to 02:00 P.M. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT (All Subjects)
2. TGT (All Subjects)
3. PRT
4. Spoken English
5. Vocational Coach (Games, Yoga, Dance)
6. Computer Instructor
7. Doctor
8. Nurse
9. Counselor

Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18-65 years as on 31-03-2016.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Two years Integrated post Graduate M.Sc. Courses of Regional College of Physics, Education of NCERT in the concerned subject/ B.E or B.Tech (Computer Science/ IT) with atleast 50% marks in aggregate for post 1, Four years Integrated degree course of Regional College of Education English, of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate for post 2. For more information regarding qualification refer notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application along with passport size photograph, attested copies of testimonials by post or in the school drop box at Palta Gate of Air Force Station on or before 29-02-2016 between 09:00 A.M to 02:00 P.M.

Important Dates:

Last Date for Submission of Application 29-02-2016 between 09:00 A.M to 02:00 P.M
Date of Display of Shortlisted Candidates for Interview on website 15-03-2016
Date of Interview 30-03-2016 from 09.00 A.M onwards
Reporting Time At 08:30 A.M
Venue KV BKP (AFS)

For more information like remuneration and other information click on the link given below…

Click here for Recruitment Advt

Click here for Eligibility Details


Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, Computer Instructor & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kochi has released notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, Primary Teacher, Computer Instructor, Coach, Nurse, Counselor, Language Teacher vacancies on part time contract basis for the year 2016-17. Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview on 29-02-2016. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT
2. TGT
3. Primary Teacher
4. Computer Instructor
5. Coach
6. Nurse
7. Counselor
8. Language Teacher

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Post Graduation on concerned subject with atleast 50% marks in aggregate/ B.E/ B.Tech (Computer Science/ IT) for post 1, Bachelor's degree with atleast 50% marks in the concerned subject for post 2. For more information regarding qualification refer notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview along with necessary documents at the school auditorium on 29-02-2016.

Important Dates:
Date of Interview: 29-02-2016.
Reporting Time: 09:30 A.M.

For more information like remuneration and other information click on the link given blow…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – PRT, Computer Instructor & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Missa Cantt, Nagaon has published notification for the recruitment of PRT, Computer Instructor, Doctor, Nurse, Counselor, Yoga Teacher, Games/ Sports Instructor & other vacancies on part time contractual basis. Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format on or before 29-02-2016. Other information like age limit, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PRT
2. Computer Instructor
3. Doctor
4. Nurse
5. Counselor
6. Yoga Teacher
7. Games/ Sports Instructor
8. Art & Craft Teacher/ Dances Teacher
9. PGT
a. Mathematics
b. Chemistry
c. English
d. Hindi
e. Physics
10. TGT:
a. Mathematics
b. Hindi
c. Science
d. English
e. Social Science
11. Language Teacher for Assamese

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess JBT/ D.Ed/ PTC (2yrs) with Senior Secondary School Certificate for Post No. 01, Graduation in any stream with A Level or PGDCA or B.C.A or B Level from NIELIT/ DOEACC or B.Sc. (CS/ IT) or MCA/ M.Sc. (CS/ IT) or B.E./ B.Tech (CS/ IT) from any Recognized University or C Level from NIELIT/ DOEACC for Post No. 02, Minimum MBBS & registered with Medical Council of India/ State Medical Council for Post No. 03, B.A/ B.Sc. (Psychology) with certificate of Diploma in Counseling for Post No. 04, Degree/ Diploma in Yoga from recognized Institute for Post No. 05, Degree/ Diploma from a recognized University or State/ National Level Games & Sports Player for Post No. 06, Diploma in Dancer for Post No. 08 & Other qualification details refer the notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in prescribed format with relevant document by post/ courier to Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Misa Cantt, PO Misa, Dist Nagaon, Assam – 782 138 or scanned copies by e mail to on or before 29-02-2016 & walk in interview with origianal certificates and set of photocopies of testimonials along with one recent passport size photograph on 03 & 04-03-2016 at 09:00 A.M.

Important Dates:

Last Date for Receipt of Application 29-02-2016
Date & Time of Interview for Post No. 09 & 10 03-03-2016 at 10:00 A.M.
Date & Time of Interview for Post No. 01 to 08 & 11 04-03-2016 at 10:00 A.M.
Reporting Time 09:00 A.M.
Venue Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Misa Cantt, PO Misa, Dist Nagaon, Assam

For more details like desirable qualification, pay scale & other information click on the link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – PGT, TGT, Computer Instructor & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Ashapur Road, Raichur has published a notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT, Computer Instructor, Experts/ Coache for Games & Sports and Counsellor vacancies on Contractual basis. Eligible candidates can apply in prescribed application format on or before 10-03-2016. Other details like educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Maths, English, and Hindi)
2. TGT– (Social Studies, Maths, English, Sanskrit)
3. PRT
4. Computer Instructor
5. Expert/ Coache for Games & Sports
6. Counsellor

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Post Graduation or equivalent degree in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks from any recognized University/ Institute, B.Ed. or equivalent Degree from recognized University for S.No- 1, B.E or B.Tech (Computer Science/ IT), M.Sc (CS)/ MCA, B.SC (CS)/ BCA with Post Graduation with atleast 50% of marks for S.No- 2, Graduation or equivalent Degree in the concerned subject for S.No- 3. For more information refer notification.

Selection Process: Short listed candidates will be called for interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format through on or before 10-03-2016 & attend the interview along with copies of relevant certificates & originals on 11-03-2016.

Important Dates:
Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 10-03-2016.
Date of Interview: 11-03-2016.

For more details like pay scale, experience & other information click on the link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 -Walk in for PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 & 2, AFS, Kalaikunda has issued a notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRTs, Doctor, Nurse, Vocational Subjects dance/ Art & Craft/ Computer Instructor/ Games and Sports/ Spoken English/ Yoga Music/ Counselor vacancies on contract basis. Eligible candidates may attend for walk in interview on 03 to 05-03-2016 from 10.15 AM on wards. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post:
1. PGT
2. TGT
3. PRTs
4. Doctor
5. Nurse
6. Vocational Subjects dance
7. Computer Instructor
8. Games and Sports
9. Spoken English
10. Yoga
12. Art & craft
13. Music

Educational Qualification: Candidates should posses Post Graduation course of regional college of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject for Post No. 01, integrated degree course of regional college of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject for Post No. 02, senior secondary school certificate for Post No. 03, Minimum MBBS and registered with MCI for Post No. 04, Diploma in Nursing for Post No. 05, Degree or Diploma for Post No. 06, 12 & 13, BCA/ B Sc/ B Tech/ PGDCA with Maths as one subject in Degree level for Post No.07, Bachelors Degree in concerned discipline for Post No. 08, Graduation in relevant discipline for Post No.09, 10 & B.A/ B.Sc with certificate Diploma in counseling for Post No.11.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend for walk in interview with their applications along with attested copies of all relevant certificates, passport size photograph, originals at KV No.1 AFS, Kalaikunda for both the Vidyalayas (KV-I, KV-II, AFS, Kalaikunda)on 03 to 05-03-2016 from 10.15 on wards.

Important Dates:
Date & Time of Interview: 03 to 05-03-2016 from 10.15 on wards.
Registration Time: from 08.00 to 10.00 AM.
Venue: KV No.1 AFS, Kalaikunda for both the Vidyalayas (KV-I, KV-II, AFS, Kalaikunda).

For more details like desirable qualification & other information click on the link given below….

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – PGT, TGT, PRT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) No.2, Ishapore has published notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT and other vacancies on Part- Time Contractual basis. Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format on or before 01-03-2016. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT – English
2. PGT – Hindi
3. PGT – Physics
4. PGT – Chemistry
5. PGT – Biology
6. PGT – Mathematics
7. PGT – Computer Science
8. PGT – History
9. PGT – Geography
10. PGT – Economics
11. PGT – Commerce
12. TGT – English
13. TGT – Hindi
14. TGT – Sanskrit
15. TGT – Mathematics
16. TGT – Science
17. TGT – Social Studies
18. PRT
19. Computer Instructor
20. Vocational Instructor (Sports Coach, Dance)
21. Yoga Teacher
22. Doctor
23. Nurse
24. Educational Counselor

Age Limit: Candidates age limit should be 65 years.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Post Graduation Degree in English/ Hindi or Sanskrit/ Physics/ Electronics/ Applied Physics/ Nuclear Physics/ Chemistry/ Bio chemistry/ Botany/ Zoology/ Life Sciences/ Bio Sciences/ other relevant discipline & B.Ed for Post No. 01 to 06, B.E or B.Tech (Computer Science/ Information Technology) or an equivalent Degree or Diploma or B.E or B.Tech (any stream) and Post Graduate Diploma in Computers or M.Sc. (Computer Science)/ Master in Computer Application or Equivalent or B.Sc. (Computer Science)/ BCA or Equivalent and Post Graduate degree in any subject or Post Graduation Diploma in Computer and Post Graduate degree in any subject for Post No. 07 with at least 50% marks from recognised University or institute & other qualification details refer the notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can send their bio data in prescribed format along with attested copies of mark sheets, Diploma degrees, experience certificates by hand or speed post to the Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) No.2, Ishapore, East Land, PO Bengal Enamel (Palta), Distt: 24 Pargana North, West Bengal – 743 122 on or before 01-03-2016.

Important Dates:

Last Date for Receipt of Application 01-03-2016
Date for Display the list of shortlisted candidates 04-03-2016
Date & Time of Interview 07 & 08-03-2016

For more details like experience, qualification & other information click on link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, Computer Instructor & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Raiganj, BSF, Govindpur has published notification for the recruitment of PGT, Computer Instructor, TGT, Education Counselor, PRT, Games & Sports & PRT vacancies on Contractual basis. Eligible candidates may walk in on 03 & 04-03-2016. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT – English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
2. PGT- Computer Science
3. Computer Instructor
4. TGTs. – English, S.St, Maths, Sanskrit
5. Education Counselor
6. PRT
7. Games & Sports
8. PRT
a. Music
b. Yoga

Age Limit: Candidates age limit should be between 18 – 40 years for mail and 18 – 45 years for female candidates.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Master Degree in the subject and along with B.Ed for Post No. 01, B.Tech (Computer Science/ IT)/ B.E./ B.Tech + PGDCA or M.Sc. (Computer Science) or B.C.A + Post Graduation/ PGDCA + Post Graduation or B Level DOEACC + Post Graduation of C level DOEACC + Graduation for Post No. 02, B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA/ MCA/ M.Sc (Computer Science)/ B.Sc. (Computer Science)/ M.Sc. (IT)/ PGDCA for Post No. 03, Graduation in respective subjects along with B.Ed for Post No. 04, M.A/ M.Sc. in Psychology with regular one year Post Graduation Diploma in Guidance and counseling or MA/ M.Sc/ with B.Ed./ M.Ed and regular one year Post Graduation Diploma in guidance and counseling for Post No. 05, 10+2/ JBT/ D.Ed/ CTET for Post No. 06, BP.Ed for Post No. 07 & Graduation Diploma/ Degree for Post No. 08 with 50% marks from reccognised University.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may walk in interview with bio data along with relevant documents on 03 & 04-03-2016.

Important Dates:

Date & Time of Interview Post No. 01 to 04 03-03-2016
Date & Time of Interview Post No. 05 to 08 04-03-2016
Venue Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Raiganj, BSF, Govindpur, P.O- Mirual, Dist- Uttar Dinajpur – 733 130

For more details like experience, qualification & other information click on link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kalpetta has advertised a notification for the recruitment of PGT, PGT (Computer Science), TGT, PRT, Computer Instructor, Yoga Teacher vacancies on part time contract basis. Eligible candidates can walk in interview on 26-02-2016 at 09:00 AM. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGTs (English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Chemistry,Biology)
2. PGT (Computer Science)
3. TGT (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Sanskrit & Social Science)
4. Primary Teacher
5. Computer Instructor
6. Sports Coaches
7. Yoga Teacher

Age Limit: Candidates age limit should be 40 years for S.No-1, 2, 35 years for S.No-3, 30 years for S.No-4, 5, 6, 7 Posts.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have Post Graduate M.Sc Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject or Master Degree from a recognized University with atleast 50% marks in aggregate in the following subjects for S.No-1, B.E or B. Tech. (Computer Science/IT) from a recognized University or equivalent Degree or Diploma from an institution/ university recognized by the Govt of India for S.No-2, Bachelor's Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects/ combination of subjects and in aggregate for S.No-3, Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent for S.No-4. For more information refer in notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on performance in interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can attend the interview along with application in prescribed format, original/self attested copies on 26-02-2016 at 09:00 AM. Venue details are mentioned below.

Important Dates:
Date & Time of Interview: 26-02-2016 at 09:00 AM.
Venue: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kalpetta

For more details like pay scale, scheme of examination & other information click on link given below….

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bangalore has issued a notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, Primary Teacher, Computer Instructors & Counselor, Sports Coaches, teachers for Music, Dance, art & craft, German teacher, Yoga teacher, Doctor & Nurse vacancies on temporary & contractual basis. Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview 07-03-2016. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post:
1. PGT
2. TGT
3. Primary Teacher
4. Computer Instructors
5. Sports Coaches
6. teachers for Music, Dance, art & craft
7. Yoga teacher
8. German teacher
9. Doctor
10. Nurse
11. Counselor

Educational Qualification: Candidates should be as per KVS rules for Post No 01 to 07, Minimum B1 level in German language for Post No.08, Minimum MBBS and registered with MCI for Post No. 09, Diploma Holder for Post No. 10 & MA/ MSC(Psychology) from a recognized college or University for Post No. 11.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend for walk in interview along with attested copies of all relevant certificates & testimonials at Kendriya Vidyalaya, ASC Centre (South), No.1, Victoria Road, Bangalore- 560047 on 07-03-2016.

Important Dates:
Date of Interview: 07-03-2016.
Venue: Kendriya Vidyalaya, ASC Centre (South), No.1, Victoria Road, Bangalore- 560047.

For more details like emoluments & other information click on the link given below….

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for Teaching & Non Teaching Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Malkapuram, Visakhapatnam has given a notification for the recruitment of Coaches, Music Teacher, Nurse, Counsellor, Computer Instructor, PGT, TGT & Primary Teacher vacancies on contract/ day to day basis for the year 2016-17. Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview on 25 & 27-02-2016. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. Coaches
2. Music Teacher
3. Nurse
4. Counsellor
5. Computer Instructor
6. PGT
7. TGT
8. Primary Teacher

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess NIS/ B.Ped/ Diploma in Yoga, Participation in National/ State level with good track record for coaching Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Volley Ball, Hand Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball/ Athletics/ Badminton/ TT/ Cricket for post 1, Senior Secondary School Certificate/ Intermediate with 50% marks or equivalent from any recognized University for post 2, GNM with experience & registered in Nursing Council/ B.Sc Nursing for post 3 & for more information refer the notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend walk in interview along with their original certificates, one set of attested copies of certificates, passport size photograph on 25, 27-02-2016.

Important Dates:

Date & Time of Interview for Posts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 25-02-2016 at 09:30 A.M
Date & Time of Interview for Posts 6, 7 & 8 27-02-2016 at 09:30 A.M
Registration Time 09:00 A.M to 12:30 P.M

for more details like desirable, other information click on the link given below….

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – TGT, PRT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, jourain has given a notification for the recruitment of Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT), Primary Teacher (PRT), Sports Coaches/ Yoga, Spoken English, Computer Instructor, Music/ Dancer Teacher vacancies on contract basis. Eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed application format on or before 29-02-2016 & attend the interview on 14, 15-03-2016. Other information like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below….

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT)
2. Primary Teachers (PRT)
3. Sports Coaches/ Yoga
4. Spoken English
5. Computer Instructor
6. Music/ Dancer Teacher

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Bachelor Degree in concerned subject with at least 50% marks and B.Ed, CTET qualification for post 1, Intermediate with 50% marks and JBT/ B.Ed, CTET qualification for post 2, Bachelors Degree in Physical Education or equivalent for post 3 & for more information refer the notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on test/ interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in prescribed format along with attested copies of relevant documents on or before 29-02-2016 between 10:00 A.M to 01:00 P.M. & attend the interview along with original certificates on 14, 15-03-2016

Important Dates:

Last Date for Submission of Application 29-02-2016 between 10:00 A.M to 01:00 P.M
Date & Time of Interview for Post 2 14-03-2016 at 09:00 A.M
Date & Time of Interview for Posts 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6 15-03-2016 at 09:00 A.M

For more details like complete information, other information click on the link given below…

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Berhampore has issued a notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT, Computer Instructor, Games Coach,Yoga,WET, Doctor, Nurse, Dance Coach, Counsellor, Art and Craft & Spoken English vacancies on contract basis. Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview on 02 & 03-03-2016 from 09.00 AM. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post:
2. TGT
3. PRT
4. Computer Instructor
5. Games Coach
6. Yoga
7. WET
8. Doctor
9. Nurse
10. Dance Coach
11. Councellor
12. Art and Craft
13. Spoken English

Educational Qualification: Candidates qualification should be as per KVS norms.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend for walk in interview with an application in the prescribed format duly filled in all aspects, attested copies of all relevant certificates, originals on 02 & 03-03-2016 from 09.00 AM.

Important Dates:
Date & Time of Interview for Post No. 01 to 04: 02-03-2016 at 09.00 AM.
Date & Time of Interview for Remaining Posts: 03-03-2016 at 09.00 AM.
Registration Time: from 08.00 AM to 09.00 AM.
Venue: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Berhampore.

For more details like terms and conditions & other information click on the link given below….

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Click here for Application Form


Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Birbhum has issued a notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT, Computer Instructor, Nurse, Educational Counselor, Yoga Teacher & Spoken English vacancies on contract basis. Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview on 09 & 10-03-2016 at 10.00 AM. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post:
2. TGT
3. PRT
4. Computer Instructor
5. Yoga Teacher
6. Nurse
7. Educational Counselor
8. Spoken English

Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18-65 years.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should posses Post Graduation or equivalent degree in the concerned subject for Post No. 01 & 02, 10+2 or its equivalent within 50 % marks for Post No. 03, B.E/ B.Tech (Comp.Sc) for Post No.04, B.P.Ed. with Yoga as one of the subjects for Post No. 05, Diploma in Nursing from recognized institution for Post No. 06, B.A/ B.Sc (Psychology) with Certificate of Diploma in Counseling for Post No. 07 & Graduation with English and Degree/ Diploma in Spoken English for Post No. 08.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format duly filled in all aspects , attested copies of all relevant certificates on or before 05-03-2016 & attend for walk in interview in the Vidyalaya premises on 09 & 10-03-2016 from 10.00 AM.

Important Dates:

Last Date for Submission of Application  05-03-2016
Date & Time of interview for Post No. 01, 02  09-03-2016 from 10.00 AM
Date & Time of interview for Remaining Posts  10-03-2016 from 10.00 AM
Venue  In the Vidyalaya premises

For more details like consolidated pay & other information click on the link given below….

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya INS Dronacharya has issued a notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, Primary Teacher, Computer Instructor, Art & Craft Instructors, Dance Teachers, Sports Coaches & Nurse vacancies on temporary basis. Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview on 01, 02, 03-03-2016. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post:
1. PGT
2. TGT
3. Primary Teachers
4. Computer Instructor
5. Art & Craft Instructors
6. Dance Teachers
7. Sports Coaches
8. Nurse

Educational Qualification: Candidates should posses Post Graduation in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks and preferably with B.Ed for Post No.01, Bachelor's Degree in the concerned subject with at least 50 % marks and B.Ed for Post No.02, Graduation with B.Ed at least 50 % marks for Post No.03, B.E/ B.Tech (Computer Science)/ BCA/ MCA/ M.Sc (IT)/ B.Sc (Computer Science) for Post No.04, Degree/ Diploma in Art/ Craft with Proficiency for Post No.05, Degree/ Diploma in Music/ Dance with Proficiency for Post No.06, Specialists in the field of Proficiency for Post No.07, Diploma/ Graduation in General Nursing for Post No.08.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may attend for walk in interview along with attested copies of all relevant certificates, experience & original certificates at Kendriya Vidyalaya INS Dronacharya on 01, 02, 03-03-2016 at 08.30 AM.

Important Dates:

 Date & Time of Interview for Post No.01  01-03-2016 at 08.30 AM 
 Date & Time of Interview for Post No.02  02-03-2016 at 08.30 AM
 Date & Time of Interview for Remaining Posts  03-03-2016 at 08.30 AM
 Venue  Kendriya Vidyalaya INS Dronacharya

For more details like consolidated salary & other information click on the link given below….

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Kannur has issued a notification for the recruitment of Post Graduate Teacher, Trained Graduate Teacher, Primary Teacher, Computer Instructor, Art & Craft teacher, Yoga teacher, Doctor, Counsellor, Malayalam teacher & Nurse vacancies on part- time contractual basis. Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview on 26,2702–2016 at 09.30 AM & 01.30 PM. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post:
1. PGT
2. TGT
3. Primary Teachers
4. Computer Instructor
5. Art & Craft Teacher
6. Yoga Teachers
7. Coaches
8. Nurse
9. Malayalam Teacher
10. Doctor
11. Counsellor

Educational Qualification: Candidates should posses Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc Ed Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject for Post No.01, Four years Integrated degree course(B.Sc.Ed) of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate for Post No. 02, Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent for Post No. 03, B.E or B.Tech(Comp Sc), BCA/ MCA/ M.Sc(Comp Sc)/ M.Sc(Electronics with Computer Sc), B.Sc(Comp Sc) for Post No.04, BA/ B.Sc (Psychology) with Certificate of Diploma in Counsellling for Post No.11, MBBS and registration with Medical Council of India/ State Medical Council for Post No.10 & Degree/ Diploma in Nursing for Post No.08.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply in the prescribed application format & attend for walk in interview along with attested copies of all relevant certificates, one recent passport size photograph & originals at Kendriya Vidyalaya Kannur on 26, 27-02-2016 at 09.30 AM & 01.30 PM.

Important Dates:

 Date & Time of Interview for Post No.01   26-02-2016 at 09.30 AM
 Date & Time of Interview for Post No.02   26-02-2016 at 01.30 PM
 Date & Time of Interview for Post No.03   27-02-2016 at 09.30 AM
 Date & Time of Interview for Remaining Posts   27-02-2016 at 01.30 PM
 Venue   Kendriya Vidyalaya Kannur

For more details like desirable qualification & other information click on the link given below….

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Click here for Eligibility Criteria

Click here for Application Form


Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Malleswaram, Bangalore has invited applications for the recruitment of Primary Teacher, Trained Graduate Teacher, Post Graduate Teacher, Teacher in German language, Yoga, Art & Craft, Music, Dance, Sports Coaches, Computer Instructors, Doctor, Nurse, Education Counsellor, Data entry Operator vacancies on part time/ contractual basis for the academic year 2016-17. Eligible candidates may walk in interview on 03-03-2016 at 08:30 AM. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
I. Primary Teacher
II. Trained Graduate Teacher
III. Post Graduate Teacher
IV. Teacher
1. German language
2. Yoga
3. Art & Craft
4. Music
5. Dance
6. Sports Coaches
7. Computer Instructors
8. Doctor
9. Nurse
10. Education Counsellor
11. Data entry Operator

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may appear for interview along with application in prescribed format, all relevant documents at the School on 03-03-2016 at 08:30 AM.

Date & Time of Interview: 03-03-2016 at 08:30 AM.

For more details like period & other information click on the link given below….

Click here for Recruitment Advt

Click here for Application Form


Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – PGT, TGT & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, ONGC, Vadodara has invited applications for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT, Counsellor, Computer Instructor vacancies on temporary and dayto-day basis for the academic year 2016-17. Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format on or before 03-03-2016. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT
2. TGT
3. PRT
4. Counsellor
5. Computer Instructor

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess M.Sc, B.Ed or equivalent degree/ B.E or B.Tech. (Computer Science/ IT) for post 1, Graduation with 50% marks in the concerned subjects, B.Ed for Post 2, Senior Secondary School Certificate for Post 3, BA/ B.Sc (Psychology) for Post 4, B. Tech(Comp. Sci./IT)/PGDCA/B.C.A. with at least 50% Marks for Post 5.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may submit their application in prescribed format to K. K. Gupta, PRINCIPAL, Kendriya Vidyalaya, ONGC, Vadodara on or before 03-03-2016 & appear for interview along with original certificates, photocopy of documents and two passport size photos.

Important Dates:

Last Date for Receipt of Applications 03-03-2016
Date of Interview 03-03-2016
Time of Interview for PGT & TGT 08:00 am
Time of Interview for PRT 01:30 pm

For more details like period & other information click on the link given below….

Click here for Recruitment Advt & Application Form


Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for Part Time Teacher Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bolarum Secunderabad has issued notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT, Computer Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Staff Nurse, Data Entry Operator & various vacancies on part time/ contractual basis. Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview on 07 & 08-03-2016 from 09:30 AM to 05:00 PM. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PGT(Hindi/ English)
2. PGT (Maths/ Physics)
3. PGT(Biology/ Chemistry)
4. PGT (History/ Geography)
5. PGT (Economics/ Commerce)
6. PGT (Computer Science)
7. TGTs (Hindi/ English/ Sanskrit/ Social Studies/ Maths/ Science)
8. Primary Teachers
9. Computer Instructors
10. General Physician (Doctor)
11. Staff Nurse
12. Counselor
13. Yoga Teacher
14. Music/ Dance Teacher
15. Art & Craft Teacher
16. Games & Sports Coaches
17. Data Entry Operator

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have two years Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc. Courses of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject or Master's Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks for S.No-1 to 7, Senior Secondary School Certificate or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent or B.Ed for S.No-8. For more information refer in notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview along with Biodata in prescribed format with original certificates/ documents of the required qualification on 07 & 08-03-2016 from 09:30 AM to 05:00 PM.

Important Dates:
Date & Time of Interview for S.No-1 to 8: 07-03-2016 from 09:30 AM to 05:00 PM.
Date & Time of Interview for S.No-9 to 17: 08-03-2016 from 09:30 AM to 05:00 PM.
Venue: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bolarum Secunderabad (For Two Kendriya Vidyalayas 1. KV Bolaram & 2.KV Hakimpet).

For more details like pay scale, scheme of examination & other information click on link given below…

Click here for Recruitment Advt

Click here for Application Form


Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PRT, Dance Coach & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), BEML Nagar has given a notification for the recruitment of PRT, Dance Coach, Coaches for Games & Sports, Yoga Teacher, PGT (Computer Science), Computer Instructor, Data Entry Operator, TGT (Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social, Sanskrit), Counselor, PGT (Chemistry, Biology, Hindi, English, Maths) & Regional Language Teacher on contractual basis. Eligible candidates may walk in interview on 16, 17-03-2016. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PRT
2. Dance Coach
3. Coaches for Games & Sports
4. Yoga Teacher
5. PGT (Computer Science)
6. Computer Instructor
7. Data Entry Operator
8. TGT (Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social, Sanskrit)
9. Counselor
10. PGT (Chemistry, Biology, Hindi, English, Maths)
11. Regional Language Teacher

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Senior Secondary school Certificate with 50% Marks, pass in CTET for post1, Secondary school Certificate with 50% Marks, Degree in Music/ Dance for post 2, Bachelor's Degree in physics education Or Equivalent for post 3, Bachelor's Degree in Yoga for post 4 & more information refer the notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can attend the interview along with two passport size photograph , original and attested copies of testimonials, bio-data on 16, 17-03-2016.

Important Dates:
Date of Time of Interview for Post 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7: 16-03-2016 form 01:00 to 05:00 P.M.
Date of Time of Interview for Post 8, 9, 10 & 11: 17-03-2016 form 09:00 A.M to 03:00 P.M.

For more details like remuneration & other information click on the link given below….

Click here for Recruitment Advt


Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for PRT, Instructor & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Darjipura has issued notification for the recruitment of PRT, TGT, Computer Instructor, Vocational Instructor & Counselor vacancies on contractual basis. Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview on 07-03-2016. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. PRT
2. TGT (English/ Hindi/ Maths/ Science/ Social Studies/ Sanskrit)
3. Computer Instructor
4. Vocational Instructor (Games & Sports)
5. Counselor

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have Senior Secondary School Certificate or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent & pass in CTET for S.No-1, two years Integrated degree Courses of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject or Bachelor/ Master's Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks & pass in CTET for S.No-2, Bachelor's/ Master Degree in any Science subject/ Mathematics from recognized university with PGDCA from government recognized university/ institute for S.No-3, SAI Coaches, NIS/ B.P.Ed/ M.P.Ed/ Diploma or Participation at National/ State level with good track records for S.No-4, B.A/ B.Sc (Psychology) with Certificate of Diploma in Counseling for S.No-5.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can attend for walk in interview along with application in prescribed format, original testimonials with a set of Photostat copy at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Air Force Station, Darjipura, Vadodara – 390022 on 07-03-2016.

Important Dates:
Date of Interview: 07-03-2016.
Time of Interview for TGT and Game Coach: From 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
Time of Interview for PRT, Computer Instructor, Counselors: 11:15 AM on-wards.

For more details like remuneration, scheme of examination & other information click on link given below…

Click here for Recruitment Advt & Application Form


Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 – Walk in for Doctor, Nurse & Other Posts: Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), BSF Krishnanagar has given a notification for the recruitment of TGT (Science, Social Studies,Maths, Hindi, English, Sanskrit), PRT, Computer Instructor, Expert/Coach (in Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, and Athletics), Expert/Coach (in Dance and Music), Doctor, Nurse, Educational Counselor & Yoga Teacher on part time/ contractual basis. Eligible candidates may walk in interview on 04, 05-03-2016. Other details like educational qualification, selection process & how to apply are given below…

Kendriya Vidyalaya Vacancy Details:
Name of the Posts:
1. TGT (Science, Social Studies, Maths, Hindi, English, Sanskrit)
2. PRT
3. Computer Instructor
4. Expert/Coach (in Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, and Athletics)
5. Expert/Coach (in Dance and Music)
6. Doctor
7. Nurse
8. Educational Counselor
9. Yoga Teacher

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Four years Integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks for post 1, Senior Secondary School Certificate with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% marks or its equivalent,pass in CTET, B.Ed/ D.Ed from recognized University for post 2, B.E or B. Tech. (Computer Science/IT) from a recognized University for post 3 & for more information refer the notification.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can attend the interview along with application in the prescribed format, self attested copies of testimonials on 04, 05-03-2016

Important Dates:

Date of Time of Interview for Post 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 04-03-2016
Date of Time of Interview for Post 1 & 3 05-03-2016
Reporting Time 08:00 to 10:00 A.M
Venue Vidyalaya premises

For more details like desirable & other information click on the link given below….

Click here for Recruitment Advt

Click here for Application Form


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You Can Read The Same : Kendriya Vidyalaya Recruitment 2016 -Teaching & Non Teaching Posts.


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